More Information on Your Market
Position Report |
After completing your order we will contact you to discuss
your current marketing plan, your users and competitors. We
also ascertain your current method of measuring your results
and what return you are looking for from your site.
We then examine your site using a number of tools and also test
your site rankings in the search engines. We examine your site
in relation to your competitors and also provide information
on the top performers in your industry.
Your Market Position Report is comprehensive and will give you
a clear understanding of your current position as well as information
and resource budgets to improve your site and market position.
How long does it take to see results?
It depends on what results you are talking about. Changes in
search engine rankings can take up to two or three months. But
changes in your user behaviour can take as little as a week.
Do you guarantee results?
No we don't, but we are fully confident in our ability to improve
the performance of your web site. If for some reason this is
not the case we will tell you. In some industries such as travel
and web hosting competition is extremely stiff and we may suggest
you outsource your entire marketing effort from the beginning.
What about e-mail campaigns?
Hotspace does not use or condone Spam in any shape or form,
but we do highly recommend the development of mailing lists
that are serviced with high value content.
Search Engine Registration used to be free, what has happened?
Some search engines are still free, others like Yahoo (which
is really a directory) charge because they can. They have the
market share and to maintain their competitiveness they have
to continue the development and improve the performance of their
Who do you use to make the changes to the web site?
We are happy to use the services of any web developer you nominate
or, if preferred we can put forward a developer from our Australia
wide network. The choice is yours. Hotspace does not do any
of the development work.
Do you help with off-line marketing strategies?
Only in relation to the web site. Hotspace's skills are Internet
based. Notwithstanding; always include your web address on any
marketing material and always use an email address that is derived
from your domain name.
Your Market Position Report Now
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