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Check your Outlook Express Settings

To access the email account settings in Outlook Express, you need to ...

Click on the Tools drop-down menu

Click on the Accounts option

You will now be presented with the Internet Accounts dialog.
Your Hotspace account will usually be called "mailserver.hotspace.net.au".
Select this and click Properties.

You'll now see the General dialog. You can set your Name and E-mail address here.

Click on Servers and you can confirm the mailserver settings.
Your Incoming server should be: mailserver.hotspace.net.au
Your Outgoing server will be the same, or may contain your ISP's smtp server name.
Your Account name should contain your complete e-mail address.
If you use the Hotspace mailserver for Outgoing (SMTP) you need to tick the box for My server requires authentication.

If you click the Settings button here, you will see the following dialog. The default setting, Use same settings... is correct. Click OK.

On the Connection tab, you can tell Outlook Express how to connect to the Internet. You may need help from your organisation's technical person here.

You shouldn't need to make any changes on the Security tab.

The Advanced tab should show the port numbers 110 and 25. You can increase the Server Timeouts setting if you are having trouble downloading large email over a slow connection.

Clicking OK from there should take you back to the Internet Accounts view where you can click Close.