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Mailserver Console

Follow these steps to logon to the Mailserver Console

Browse to the Mailserver Console URL: http://mail.hotspace.com.au
Logon using your admin mailbox and password.
Your admin mailbox is a combination of your Hotspace Account Number and your Domain Name. Example: AU20001234@companyx.com.au
If the login is successful, a "Domain" page will be displayed.

The Domain Page may be used to:
- create or delete forwarder/mailboxes in your domain
- access the properties page of any forwarders/mailboxes in your domain, and
- see how many forwarder/mailboxes you have used

Creating Mailboxes
To create a mailbox, first click on the "Mailboxes" tab.
Enter a name in the "Name" field and click on the Add button. A Report Page will be displayed describing the success or failure of the operation.
You can use any of the following characters to name a mailbox:
Alphanumeric (a-Z, 0-9)
Period (.)
Hyphen (-)
Underscore (_)
The following characters are illegal in a mailbox name: ( ) [ ] < > @ , ; : \ / "

Deleting Mailboxes
To delete a mailbox, select its name in the list and click on the Delete button. If you are using Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4 or above then you may select multiple mailboxes by holding down the Control key and selecting all the mailboxes you wish to delete. A Confirm Page will be displayed describing the operation with OK and Cancel links.

Accessing Mailbox Properties
To access a mailbox's properties, select its name from the list and click on the Edit button. If you are using the Microsoft Internet Explorer version 4 or above then you may double click on the mailbox name to edit it.

The Mailbox Page
This page is divided into four sections, they are: General, AutoReply, Business, and Home.
You can ignore the Business and Home sections, as they are unneccessary.
On the General tab, you can:
Change the password, by entering it twice, and clicking the "Apply" button
Configure forwarding, by entering an email address in the "Forward mail to" field. (There is also a "Forward ONLY" checkbox, so that your mailbox on the Hotspace Server does not fill up when you're getting your mail at some other address.

On the AutoReply tab, you can configure an Automatic Reply to any email that is received in your mailbox.
Tick the "Enable auto reply" option. Then place a message in the field provided.
If you would like the AutoReply to come from a different email address than your own, just enter the other address in the "Reply From" field. (Note: this must be an Email Address, not just a Name.)
Click "Apply" when you have finished making changes.

All pages display the text link "Log off". Just click this when you've finished.

Mailserver Console